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Policy 10815 - Business Development



The Surrey Board of Education encourages the formation of business arrangements that generate revenue for the enhancement of educational opportunities and extra-curricular activities offered to students and staff in School District No. 36 (Surrey).
The board believes that innovative business arrangements will generate revenue to meet identified financial needs within the school district and should be pursued.
Business arrangements will adhere to district standards for products and services.



The board will support business arrangements that adhere to board policies and regulations and that generate revenue to support programs and services that promote board goals and objectives.
The board supports revenue generation for programs and services that complements but does not replace or reduce government funding.
The board acknowledges and supports that approved business associates may be the exclusive providers of goods and/or services to a school or the school district, as defined in an agreement, signed by the secretary- treasurer. Such business associates will be considered separately from school district suppliers that are handled by the tender process.
The board acknowledges and supports that approved business associates may have exclusive marketing rights to promote their involvement with the board’s facilities or activities as defined in an agreement signed by the secretary-treasurer.



The board directs the secretary-treasurer to examine all reasonable opportunities to form business arrangements that may be of financial benefit to a school or the school district. All sensitive proposals as defined by regulation shall be submitted to the board for approval. (This does not include job plan or work experience arrangements between the board and community.) All other proposals will be acted upon by the secretary- treasurer through processes outlined in regulation. The secretary-treasurer will approve the distribution of funds for all proposals.
Revenue generated through business arrangements will be reviewed by the Executive Committee who will advise on how to disburse funds.



The secretary-treasurer is responsible for coordinating the identification and development of business arrangement opportunities that have significant impact at one school, have district-wide implications, or have a financial component over $5,000. PACs and schools will be encouraged to coordinate smaller business arrangements with the understanding that they also comply with all existing policies and regulations.
Proposals that include an educational component will be reviewed by the appropriate authorities listed in Policy #10805 - Promotion of External Agencies Through Schools.
All business arrangements will be for a specified period of time and must be approved by the secretary-treasurer.



Contracts and agreements relating to business arrangements will contain all elements of good business practices.
Business arrangements will aim to increase revenue generated by and for all schools in the school district. Business arrangements will share business and revenue concepts, and work with schools; as well as PACs in the interests of building their independent revenue generation capability.
Business arrangements will be formed in such a way as to minimize the commercial impact on students. Proposals based on inappropriate direct advertising to students during regular school hours and while on school property will not be considered.
Principals at all affected sites will be given an opportunity for input into relevant business arrangements.
All corporate gifts or donations to the school district or schools must be received according to the board’s policies on Board Member Conflict of Interest (#2902), Charitable Donations (#4430), Purchasing Goods and Services (#4600), Equipment Donations (#5305), and Employee Conflict of Interest (#7213).
No business arrangement will be considered that involves promotion or exposure of corporations where the business is derived primarily from the sale of tobacco, alcohol or material inappropriate for children.
Any reference to or use of the board’s name, logo, slogan, mission statement or reputation must be maintained at the highest of ethical and community standards.
Any use of corporate or community signage on school district property or any form of advertising must be within the terms of the business agreement. No employee or student will be required to wear clothing with corporate or community logos or advertising.
All business arrangements must observe and comply with environmental regulations relating to their form of business.
All sponsored products, materials, and services must meet specifications and standards used by the school district in the purchase of similar goods and services.
Business Development will identify school district resource needs to ensure that resources are adequate to complete activities successfully in advance of completing the business arrangement.
All donations in kind shall be subject to the terms and conditions set out by the Canada Customs & Revenue Agency.



business arrangementis an agreement between the school district and an external agency, which will provide financial benefit to the school district (by way of reduced prices, in kind or monetary contributions) and a financial, promotional and/or other benefit to the external agency. Business arrangements will take four formats: business advertising, agreements, projects, and sponsorships.
a)Business advertising is where an external agency pays the school district a fee in exchange for promotion through school district communication systems or on school district property in accordance with local, regional and national regulations.
b)Business agreements will offer to an external agency a service, use or benefit in exchange for payment of a fee. The external agency may or may not be recognized or promoted as a school district partner or affiliate.
c)Business projects are specific endeavours or actions undertaken by an external agency and the school district working together for a defined period. The external agency may be recognized or promoted as a business partner or affiliate of the school district, which will receive a financial benefit.
d)Business sponsorships are payments to the school district in cash or in kind in exchange for recognition through the school district as the supporter or provider of a particular program, special event, service or facility.

Approved: 2002-05-30
XRef: Policy #2902
Policy #4430
Policy #4600
Policy #5305
Policy #7213
Policy #10805

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