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Policy 7214 - Smoke Free Environment

The Surrey Board of Education declares all School District No. 36 (Surrey) buildings, grounds and property (including school district vehicles), to be a totally smoke free environment for students, parents, visitors and staff.
In accordance with the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, while in or on school property, all students, parents, visitors and staff are prohibited from:
a) Smoking or using tobacco, or holding lighted tobacco, and;
b) Using e-cigarettes, or holding activated e-cigarettes.
The prohibition in section a) above does not apply to the ceremonial use of tobacco in or on school property if the ceremonial use is approved by the board and is performed in relation to a traditional aboriginal cultural activity, or by a prescribed group for a prescribed purpose.
In accordance with the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act all students, parents, visitors and staff are prohibited from smoking cannabis, or holding lighted cannabis, in or on school property or within a prescribed distance from school property. As well, a person must not use or hold a device that is vaporizing cannabis for inhalation or release in the air in or on school property or within a prescribed distance from school property.
The school district shall post appropriate signage to inform students, staff, parents and other visitors of the Smoke Free Environment policy.


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